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onsdag 26. september 2012

Welcome to my BI Blog

This Blog will contain information about Business Intelligence, Data Mining, Data Modeling and MDX including tutorials, white papers, Important updates etc..
Our intention is open a discussion blog where experts can talk generally about Business Intelligence or can exchange views for particular problems that they experienced. We are going to talk about different platforms their advantages and disadvantages, Microsoft Platform, MS SQL 2005 or 2008 BID, Informatica, Oracle BI Solution etc...

MDX and DMX will be part of this blog too. Advanced calculations that we can handle with MDX and problems for imporoving time in reporting large datawarehouse calculations over dimensions.
Dimensional databases vs relational, OLAP Cube, algorithms for time improvment will rich our Blog.
You will be updated with podcast, white papers, analysis and links that are importants to our auditorium.

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